
House Post

Coast Salish People traditionally carve house posts. The house post tells the significance of land they rest on. The Tsawwassen Mills house post tells the story of the success of the Tsawwassen First Nation (TFN) treaty which came into effect April 3, 2009 allowing TFN to become self-governing and develop their lands to become self-sustaining.
This house post is based on a print of the Great Blue Heron with the Tsawwassen Bluff in the background that Artist Karl Morgan created to celebrate the signing of the TFN treaty. The TFN bluff is home to a huge rockery of Great Blue Heron which feed on the fish in the ocean, river, streams and sloughs in our territory.

The backside of the house post depicts a run of Sockeye Salmon swimming into the mouth of the Fraser River to spawn, completing their journey. We are known as the Salmon People as that has been our main food staple since time immemorial.

Located at the Food Hall – See map below.


Karl Morgan  
Karl is a member of the Tsawwassen First Nation and a Coast Salish carver.  Karl finds his inspiration from the inhabitants of the Salish Sea, the Fraser River and surrounding Coast Salish lands. Karl has been carving for 28 years; and was taught by Joe Becker of the Musqueam, Jody Wilson of Ladner, B.C. and Eric Robertson.  Karl enjoys working with yellow and red cedar.