Mall Artwalk

Whale & Salmon Wall Graphics

Tsawwassen First Nation are proud, sea-faring Coast Salish people. For thousands of years, we traveled and fished the waterways of the southern Strait of Georgia and lower Fraser River, visiting all Canadian and U.S. Gulf Islands. Our ancestors were accomplished fishers; salmon and sturgeon were mainstays of our traditional diet. As seen frequently along our coasts, the beautiful orca is an important part of First Nations culture, as much in our visual works as in our oral tradition. Orcas represent the strength of love and the bonds of family because of their strong group behaviour.

Located near Entry 5 – See map below.


Karl Morgan
Karl is a member of the Tsawwassen First Nation and a Coast Salish carver. He finds his inspiration from the inhabitants of the Salish Sea, the Fraser River and surrounding Coast Salish lands. He has been carving for 28 years; and was taught by Joe Becker of the Musqueam, Jody Wilson of Ladner, B.C. and Eric Robertson. Karl enjoys working with yellow and red cedar.